Tutorial: Running a Shoot
Running a Shoot
So far we’ve walked you through setting up your studio, using the different functions,
managing photos, editing photos, and creating orders. This section will guide you
through running an entire shoot, from the moment the customer schedules a booking to
the moment you send the order off for printing.
If you’re already familiar with some of the steps, feel free to click a link and jump ahead
to a later step:
1. Adding a Customer.
2. Creating a Booking.
3. Setting Up Your Camera.
4. Starting the Shoot.
5. Capturing and Importing Photos.
6. Retouching Photos.
7. Presenting Photos.
8. Creating an Order.
9. Printing an Order.
Each step has its own guides for using tools and navigating the software, so don’t worry
if you’ve never used the software before. All specific directions for using tools will be
written in red for easy reading.
Now let’s start at the beginning.
Adding a Customer
If a customer comes into your studio or calls to make an appointment, you’ll first need
to enter them into the customer database.
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