How the Manuals Are Divided
The manuals for the machine are divided as follows. Please read them as required to benefit fully from the machine.
Manuals included with optional equipment are included in the list below. Depending on the model you have purchased
and the system configuration, you may not have some of these manuals.
Basic Manuals
Read this manual to learn about the standard operations of the machine. Keep
it next to the machine for future reference.
The Control Panel
Making a Copy
The Additional Functions Mode for Copying
Optional Manuals
Read this manual to learn about what needs taking care of when using the
machine, basic operations, optional equipment, machine maintenance, and
removing paper jams.
Reference Guide
Before Using the Machine
Operating the LCD Display
Using Optional Equipment
Additional Functions
System Manager Settings
Loading Paper
Replacing Toner Cartridges
Removing Paper Jams
Read this manual to learn how to copy documents and the various copying/
scanning features.
Copying Guide
Basic Copying Procedure
Useful Copying
Changing the Settings to Suit Your Needs
Easy Operation Guide
Basic Features
Easy Operation Guide
To Suit Your Needs
Read this manual to learn about the optional operations of the machine,
grasp a basic knowledge of the machine’s capabilities, and discover its useful
functions what kind of useful functions it has. Keep it next to the machine for
future reference.
The Control Panel
Using the Fax Functions
Using the Printer Functions
Using the Remote UI Functions
The Additional Functions Mode
User’s Guide
Store this guide nex t to the machine for future refer ence.
B a s i c F e a t u r e s
Pre face
How the Manua ls A re Di vide d ... ...... ...... ..... 1
Wha t You Can D o wit h Thi s Mac hine ....... .. 3
The Cont rol P anel ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ... 5
Cop ying
Fun ctio ns
Mak ing a Copy .... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... .7
Wha t You Can D o wit h Thi s Mac hine
(Co py St anda rd Fe ature s)
.... ..... ...... . 9
Wha t You Can D o wit h Thi s Mac hine
(Copy Sta ndard Feat ures ) ....... ...... . 1
Wha t You Can D o wit h Thi s Mac hine
(Copy Opt iona l Feat ures ) .... ..... ...... 13
Add ition al
Fun ctio ns ... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... 15
Trou blesh ooti ng ....... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... 22
To S u i t Yo u r N e e ds
Store this guide next to t he machine for future refer ence.
Pref ace
How the M anua ls Ar e Div ided .... ...... ..... ...... 1
What You C an Do with Thi s Mac hine ........ . 3
The Contr ol Pa nel . ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... .... 5
Facs imil e Fun ctio n
Send ing a Fax ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... 7
What You C an Do with Thi s Mac hine
(Fa x
Bas ic Fe atur es) ...... ..... ...... ..... ... 9
What You C an Do with Thi s Mac hine
(Fa x
Sp ecial Feat ures ) ... ..... ...... ..... . 11
Pri nting
Fun ctio ns
Prin ting from Your Compu ter
(Pr inter
Dr iver) .... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... 13
Rem ote U I Func tion
Oper atin g th e Mac hine
fro m a C omput er
(R emote UI) ..... .... 17
Add ition al
Fun ctio ns ... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... . 19
Trou blesh ooti ng ....... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... 28
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